At ASC we have the right sweepers and scrubbers for all types of applications and industries. Our philosophy is simple, to offer you a quality range of sweepers and scrubbers. To make your choice easier we will explain why our machines work better than comparable products and prove that these floor cleaning machines will cost less to run on a per hour basis than any other product on the market. Whether your looking for a floor scrubber machine or a floor sweepermachine, our comprehensive range has you covered.
5 Key Features to Look for in a Street Sweeper Machine
Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024Updated on Thursday, April 25, 2024
One of the most important things to ensure in any large-scale urban setting is the cleanliness of streets. To achieve this, mere manual cleaning operations are not sufficient. A street cleaning machine is an indispensable tool to maintain the cleanliness and safety of streets in any large setting. Most street cleaning operations are carried out with walk-behind or ride-on street sweepers. These are electric sweeping machines with well-adjusted features capable of cleaning various kinds of surfaces of various textures and physical dimensions.
Streets usually see most of the pollution in the environment, both from natural and man-made sources. Plastic litter, cigarette butts, big trash bags, and debris from construction are coupled with natural pollutants like dead leaves, flowers, and other substances on the streets. That is why, street sweeper machines come in handy while ensuring that all corners of the street and every grain of dust is removed. Moreover, large urban settings have narrow alleys and confined places, for which maneuverable street cleaners are required. Considering all these requirements, municipal authorities should select the ideal street cleaner for each kind of street by comparing and assessing various features of such machines carefully.
5 salient features of street sweeper machines
Based on the type of cleaning required to be done by a street sweeper machine and the kind of surface it has to clean, various features can be considered beneficial, to be found among various models and types of machines. For example, small walk-behind street sweeper machines like the ASC Power Vac are capable of sweeping 30–40-degree widths with up to 40,000 sq. ft. per hour. Bigger sweeper machines like ASC 125 can clean heavy debris like leaves, glass, cigarette butts, paper, cans, and even fine dust and sand. Then there are bigger, electric street sweeper machines like ASC Eureka M8 or ASC Macro M10. These have built-in driving cabins, big brooms and water jets to be driven across large spaces, cleaning them effortlessly in a short period.
According to the size of the area to be cleaned and the frequency of cleaning needed, one can look for various features in street sweeper machines. While mechanical cleaners are ideal for gravel and construction waste, vacuum sweepers can assist in cleaning finer particles like dust and sand.
Sweepers with good turning radius and agility will ensure efficient and productive cleaning. Powerful brushes, suction systems, and water jets are also present in street sweeping machines. These ensure thorough cleaning operations. Advanced filtration systems in street sweeping machines prevent additional pollution caused during cleaning operations. Then there are other factors like a greater sweeping width and speed, that is usually found in bigger machines.
When it comes to street sweeping machines, a wide range of features are available in varying kinds of machines. However, here are the 5 key features of these machines that can be isolated as the most important-
Longevity- In small walk-behind sweepers, durable designs are found that help to ensure longevity in operation and low maintenance costs. These may include steel suction impellors and frames. Other than that, additional features are found in these small machines, like side collection mechanisms, flex hose, magnetic bars, etc.
Dust Filtration- Mechanical suction and dust filtering systems are sometimes found in medium street sweeping machines. These facilitate cleaning heavy debris like leaves, glass, paper, cans, etc. This in-built dust filtration system also maintains certain PM regulations, also complemented by water sprays to suppress dust.
Attached Sealed Bins- Some street sweeping machines may also contain an attached bin. After sucking up the debris, these machines can automatically transfer them to a sealed bin to prevent further pollution. This feature is found in the ASC Bin Vac 250 Sweeper.
Gradient and Speed Bump Adaptability- In machines intended to clean large urban spaces, direct forward throw sweeping and front driving position features are found, making them capable of tackling gradients and speed bumps easily. They can also come with suction mouths lifted from the ground to avoid blockage.
Well-Equipped Driver’s Cabin- The driver’s cabin of bigger sweeping machines also includes certain cutting-edge features for efficient and rapid cleaning. These include oversized drum brakes, roll bars, seat belts, automotive indicator lights, seat pressure sensors, reverse beepers, and more.
Street sweeping machines are indispensable when it comes to maintaining cleanliness in large urban spaces with endless pollution. Key features of good street sweeping machines include in-built dust filtration systems, sealed bins to store pollutants, well-equipped driver’s cabins, water jets, and side pollutant collection facilities. A good street sweeper can shine the streets with the least time and effort.