Benefits of Overhead Guards, Windscreens & Operator Cabins for Industrial Sweepers

Updated on Thursday, July 8, 2021

Scrubber DryersNot every industrial sweeper is alike. In fact, there can be major differences that set these products apart. From sizes to features to brands to uses, these cleaning machines can come in a wide variety. To pick the best option for your business, it can be useful to pay attention to what a machine includes.

If you have a business where keeping the environment clean and safe is a top priority, there are certain features you should look out for when it comes to your cleaning equipment. For example, not all industrial sweepers come with overhead guards. Nonetheless, a sweeper with overhead guard can have many advantages.

1. Safety

Without a doubt, one of the greatest benefits of overhead guard sweepers is the improved safety these upgraded machines bring to your workplace. Not only does this feature enhance operator comfort, but it also makes the sweeper easier to operate while reducing the risk of falling. 

2. Efficiency 

In addition to the safety of industrial sweeper choices, you should also pay attention to the overall efficiency of your machine. Often, these workplace cleaners become a nuisance for employees due to problems that can occur with functionality and movement. By reducing the amount of wasted time that other sweepers can cause, you are sure to see a boost in cleaning efficiency.

3. Quality

Another great thing about machines with overhead guard features is the high-quality work that goes into the design. With some low-cost sweepers, manufacturers try to save money by using materials that do not last. When it comes to industrial designs, this usually is not the case.  For this reason, investing in better features can ultimately lead to a better experience.

4. Reliability

Given the superior quality of upgraded sweepers, it may come as no surprise that another perk of overhead guards is overall reliability. How many times can you remember your company’s sweeper breaking down? If it is more than once, you may want to reconsider the machine you are using. 

5. Speed

If your facility is a decent size, then no one needs to tell you how challenging it can be to clean the entire place. Depending on the tools you use, it can also take a very long time. Another reason many people gravitate toward industrial sweepers is because of how much faster they can clean a workspace. 

6. Durability

Created for industrial purposes, these kinds of sweepers can withstand significant wear and tear. In other words, you do not have to worry about scratches or other kinds of minor exterior damage as long as everything inside of the machine remains functional.

7. Longevity

Because these machines come with high-quality materials that rarely need cleaning or repair, one of the many benefits of overhead guard sweepers is how incredibly low-maintenance they are. As a result, business owners with these industrial floor cleaners can enjoy many years of long-lasting use.

8. Productivity

With boosts to both speed and efficiency, you can be sure that another great thing about this kind of cleaner is the potential it has to increase overall productivity at your business. Because time equals money, it can be easy to waste significant resources when it comes to employees trying to deal with problematic cleaning machines. When fewer people can accomplish more work with improved comfort, everyone wins.

9. Coverage

If you are running into problems with too much space and too few people, an industrial sweeper can also be a smart investment for its sheer coverage potential. If your facility is very large, cleaning with anything less than industrial cleaners can seem like an impossible task. 

10. Convenience

Undoubtedly, one of the best perks of having a sweeper with operator cabin or an overhead guard is the convenience it can bring to your workplace which you can find in these models of Sweepers – M2 and M3. Gone are the days of sweeping hundreds (or thousands) of square feet by hand! You will rejoice, your employees will rejoice, and if you listen closely enough, you will probably even hear the floor rejoice.

At the end of the day, you cannot understate the benefits of having one of these powerful sweepers by Australian Sweeper Corporation. By understanding the benefits that should stand out in the machines, you can make an informed decision when purchasing your business’s next cleaning device. Contact us today to know more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]