Alita Construction Double Investment ASC Eureka MEP
Client Introduction
Alita Construction is an experienced commercial construction company based in the southern industrial suburb of Forrestdale. They provide services for building and managing projects like factory units, offices, schools, and churches.
The Challenge
Alita Construction’s Safety Officer, Maurice, purchased the very popular ASC Eureka MEP push sweeper back in April 2021 for a new construction site for cleaning the dust and debris as the building went up.
After using the Eureka MEP for three months, Maurice contacted ASC WA Area Manager Ross Sheehan again to inquire about the availability and delivery of the push sweeper.
The company’s supervisors of two sites were arguing over the use of the MEP sweeper, who were using the sweeper by taking it out to their site as well.
As one of the buildings was on the north of the river while the other was towards the south of the river, they needed more sweepers.
The Solution
As the ASC Eureka MEP push sweeper is a stocked item at all ASC warehouses across Australia, so availability is always guaranteed for this award-winning machine.
The Result
Ross Sheehan arranged for Maurice to receive the invoice for a new machine and then organized to deliver the ASC Eureka MEP to their site on the south side of the river.
The excited supervisor (Steve) took possession of this new valued sweeper.
In the end, it was a great win for all involved, ultimately resulting in a clean construction site free from airborne cement dust for both buildings.