Enmore Theatre Chooses a ASC Mach 1 Carpet Sweeper

Hospitality & Catering . Retail & Public Spaces
Enmore Theatre (Sydney) chooses ASC.
Enmore theatre is one of Sydney’s best venues when it comes to musical concerts and theatre events.
The Challenge
Cleaning up the Enmore Theatre after a live concert is very demanding.
Clean up involves cleaning all sorts of spills including confetti, human hair, cans, cups and all sorts of rubbish that cover the theatres brand new carpet almost every night of the week.
The facility sells out shows all week. Housekeeping takes its toll on the carpet with the cleaners struggling to keep up with the mess left behind from the carless crowds.
They needed a vacuum sweeper that doesn’t just vacuum the floors but sweeps the mess up too.
The Solution
Enmore Theatre had previously purchased a ASC Mach 1 carpet sweeper and used it in addition to other brands for cleaning the complex.
They said that you cannot go past ASC’s Mach 1. It’s the most reliable and best sweeping they have ever used! Says John (Production Manager) Enmore theatre.
John was excited about taking delivery of his new ASC M1 Carpet sweeper. He was the first to take charge and clean the floors the second the Mach 1 Sweeper was delivered.
He swept their brand new carpet upon delivery and received top class training from ASC’s Scott Campbell (NSW Area Manager).
He is pleased to not have to worry about buying another sweeper for at least ten years. That’s how long his last Mach 1 lasted.
It’s a great result for the Enmore theatre and NSW patrons.