ASC Recently Installed A Dulevo 120 To PMP Print, Sydney’s Largest Print Media Company

Media Company Logistics & Distribution
ASC recently installed ASC Dulevo 120 to PMP Print, Sydney’s largest print media company.
The ASC Dulevo 120 is used to maintain the massive 10+-acre site that operates nonstop.
The debris that the new Dulevo 120 picks up includes tire dust from the heavy truck and forklift traffic, paper dust as well as a huge quantity of off-cut paper that rolls out of cutting machines.
The company never closes, and hence Dulevo 120 is used by multiple operators for cleaning the production areas as well as maintaining the roadways.
CNG (Compressed natural gas) is used on all mobile plants in order to cut fuel costs as well as minimizing emissions.
ASC’S Jason Frendo consulted with PMP and commissioned the new dust-free ASC sweeper.
ASC Design to Clean – Built to Last