BaptistCare – Canberra Cleaning Solution

Updated on Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Open Spaces & Car Parks

Client Introduction

BaptistCare is a leading not-for-profit Christian based care organisation, that has been serving the aged and people living with disadvantage for 75 years.

Their new Griffith Centre is a brand-new energy efficient and environmentally sustainable building, built in Canberra.

The Challenge

The new facility was a massive investment and required a solution to clean their walkways and carparks.

The facility had open landscaped gardens, walkways and pedestrian areas that needed cleaning daily.

A constant flow of delivery trucks and vehicles entering the site, was also marking the epoxy painted carpark floors.

BaptistCare knew exactly what they needed.

A sweeper that could tackle their dust and leaf issues.

The Solution

BaptistCare made a call to ASC’s NSW Area Manager, Scott Campbell, to discuss their requirements.

Scott recommended the super reliable ASC M3 battery sweeper.

Having used ASC sweepers in the past, Baptistcare elected to purchase a new ASC battery electric M3 sweeper.

Scott arranged the Canberra delivery and trained the excited employees.