Cassegrain Kalara Tea Tree Oil Cleans Up With ASC

Client Introduction
Cassegrain Kalara Tea Tree Oil is a family-owned and runs the company. It is among the largest producers of 100% pure Australian tea tree oil in the world. It grows over 14 Million plants on an area of 360 hectares to produce one of the freshest and most natural tea tree oils available across the world.
The Challenge
Cassegrain had been facing the challenge of dealing with lots of dust since they started in 1997. They invested in many different sweepers to take up the challenge of containing the dust from the harvesting process. However, none of them met the high standards needed. These high standards are necessary to be followed to produce high-quality tea tree oil as the Australian Tea Tree Industry Association’s (ATTIA) Code of Practice sets them.
The Solution
Cassegrain were looking for a second-hand sweeper as they traditionally invested in used ones. This time around, they chose ASC. Claude Cassegrain called ASC’s Scott Campbell to discuss his needs and the availability of ASC’s product line of Ex-Fleet machines. After speaking with Scott, Claude handpicked one of the ASC machines that were available in ASC’s Sydney facility. Scott delivered the ex-fleet ASC Diesel to Cassegrain on the mid-north coast of NSW.