Fruitco Trusts ASC Because We Service Even in Remote Regions

ASC E83 Scrubber At Fruitco's Facility Updated on Monday, December 18, 2023

Food & Beverages

Fruitco (WA) are a long established family owned fruit grower based in the remote town of Meelon, just south of Pinjara. Back in the 2011 census, the population of the township was recorded as a mere 224 inhabitants.

In Meelon, Fruitco have a large temperature controlled packing area processing mainly grapes and stone fruit.

They recently inquired about a new scrubber and made contact with ASC’s local Manager, Ross Sheehan.

Ross recommended the incredibly reliable ASC Eureka E-83 rider floor scrubber to keep the floor clean of the fruit juices thus increasing hygiene standards.

The company had an upcoming hygiene audit and felt it was the right time to invest in a quality floor scrubber.

Fruitco mentioned to Ross that their main motivation for investing in an ASC machine was because ASC had a service plan and factory trained technician available when service was required.

For regional Western Australians, it is important to buy from suppliers who not only sell good products but have an interest in helping clients maintain them, even in remote, lightly populated areas – something that ASC like no other provider, excels at.

Back in the 2011 census, the population of the township was recorded as a mere 224 inhabitants.

Pictured below are 2 of Fruitco’s employees who were instructed by Ross on how to drive and maintain the Eureka E 83 floor scrubber.

ASC E83 Scrubber At Fruitco's Facility