JJ Waste & Recycling Molendinar QLD

Updated on Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Waste & Recycling

The Client

The JJ Richards Molendinar depot is about 4 kilometres from the City of the Gold Coast.

They offer industrial bin and wheelie bin services, liquid tanker and skip services.

The Challenge

JJ have a very large workshop, servicing their fleet of trucks and mobile plant. Oil spills, grease build up and dust, stain any painted workshop floors.

JJ have invested in many ASC Scrubbers over the past 18 years and on this occasion, were looking for a new scrubber for their Gold Coast facility.

They inquired about the heavy duty ASC Eureka E 81 automatic scrubber.

This is a cleaning machine that is used to efficiently and effectively clean floors, replacing traditional mops and buckets.

The machine works by applying cleaning solution and aggressively scrubs and dries the surfaces in one pass.

The Result

JJ Richards purchased the ASC Eureka E 81 floor scrubber.