Pratek Automotive Cleans Up Their Large Workshop

Updated on Thursday, November 30, 2023


The client

Pratek Automotive is an Arndell Park (NSW) Truck repair business that carry out repairs & issue Pink and Brown slips, RMS defect repair and clearances.

The Challenge

The company has a large workshop that naturally attracts a lot of dust and debris during truck services.

Pratek previously purchased a cheap ALDI sweeper that failed dismally at cleaning the workshop floors.

They had approached ASC’s Scott Campbell to ask for a high-quality workshop sweeper that has been proven to work successfully in heavy dust workshop conditions.

The Result

The company purchased a ASC Eureka MEP manual dust sweeper with vacuum dust control after Scott’s visit.

Much like hand tools, there is a big difference between budget sweepers and a high-end sweeper.

The company can now expect a service life of 15 to 20 years from the high quality industrial grade ASC MEP Sweeper while at the same time benefitting from a clean dust free work environment.