Royal Flying Doctors Broken Hill Cleaned Up ASC Eureka E 83

The Client
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS, informally known as The Flying Doctor) is an air medical service in Australia. It is a non-profit organisation that provides emergency and primary health care services, for those living in rural, remote and regional areas of Australia. For people who cannot access a hospital or general practice, due to the vast distances of the outback. It is one of the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisations in the world.
RFDS base in Broken Hill (South-eastern Section) is located at Airport Road, Broken Hill.
The Broken Hill facility covers the vast country outback areas of NSW, SA and NT with Emergency and Primary Medical care.
In their fleet, they operate several Beechcraft B200, B200C and B300C medical AE equipped aircraft.
The Challenge
Maintenance Manager, Mr John Larkham, contacted ASC’s Head Office in Sydney, with an enquiry for a suitable scrubber/dryer machine.
He requested a reliable scrubber that would effectively and efficiently handle the task of regular scrubbing of their aircraft service hangars.
The machine had to be able to clean floors contaminated by oil, grease, regular dirt and other pollutants.
The Result
John consulted with ASC’s Sydney based Scott Campbell and a decision was reached, to purchase an ASC Eureka E 83 rider scrubber.
Delivery and installation of the ASC Eureka scrubber was handled by ASC’s SA branch, to the RFDS site maintenance services.
During the hand-over and operator training, the RFDS maintenance personnel were very impressed by the machine’s performance and ease of operation.
They were particularly pleased with the very low maintenance and service requirements that are synonymous with ASC’s Eureka product.