Sekisui Ribloc and its new ASC Eureka M3

Client Introduction
SEKISUI Rib Loc Australia Pty Ltd is a leading manufacturer of pipeline rehabilitation technology. They restore underground infrastructure and are based in Adelaide, South Australia.
The Challenge
The company had a serious problem with the fine airborne dust that they wanted to eliminate. They were using a commercial-grade sweeper from another company that proved inefficient in meeting their debris and dust control targets. They researched the market and got interested in ASC after reading great reviews. They contacted ASC’s Ken Pepyat and asked him to arrange an onsite demonstration for them. The material that needed to be swept ranged from steel swarf, plastic offcuts, tyre black, and general debris.
The Solution
After a successful field demonstration, Alan Riback, Purchasing and Logistics Manager of the group, placed an order with ASC’s Ken Pepyat for an ASC Mach 3 sweeper. The Mach 3’s sweeping performance surprised most people in the plant.