Tassone Orchards WA Clean Cool Rooms

Client Introduction
Tassone Orchards is based in the apple-growing town of Kirup (Western Australia).
Rob and Julie Tassone are a big part of the local agricultural community. They grow the famous Pink Lady apples and pears.
The Challenge
Rob is friends with Steve Atherton, who live 30 minutes away. Steve purchased an ASC Eureka Mach 1 walk behind sweeper from ASC WA Area Manager Ross Sheehan at the end of 2020.
Rob was impressed with the sweeper’s ability to sweep up the farm debris and dust with no airborne dust discharge and a simple operating process.
Rob has a busy farm shed with tractors bringing fruit in from the orchards. He naturally needed a heavy-duty machine to sweep the foreign matter so that it was not carried into the four large drive-in refrigerated cool rooms where the apples are stored for up to a year.
Rob also contacted ASC’s Ross Sheehan and asked him to recommend a solution. He wanted a demonstration on an effective scrubber as he no longer wanted to spend 3 hours on a pressure washer cleaning the cool room concrete floors. Mainly because the pressure washer sprayed dirty water all up the sides of the cool room, and then they had to wash it out across the shed floor to the outside drains.
The Solution
Ross demonstrated the ASC Eureka Mach 1 and two other floor scrubbers, the ASC Eureka E51 and the ex-fleet ASC Factory Cat Micro Mag.
Both the ASC Eureka M1 sweeper and2 scrubbers were demonstrated inside the cool room.
Rob could instantly see the cleaning power of the heavy-duty ASC machines. The floor was cleaned so immaculately; it was amazing. Major plus points of the ASC floor scrubber were no excessive noise and no excessive water requirement to clean the cool stores. Furthermore, all the dirty water was contained in the scrubber’s tank.
The Result
Rob and Steve had a quiet chat about 10 mins into the demonstration and returned to tell Ross that they would take both scrubbers, one each.
A great day in apple country, clean, cool rooms and crunchy apples.