Tegra Cleans Up With a ASC M3

Tegra Australia is a quarry and concrete business serving the southern regions of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory.
They manufacture, supply and deliver quality aggregates, river pebbles, river stones, sands, soils, as well as pre mixed concrete including decorative concrete & high performance mix designs.
The Challenge
The company recently took ownership of a large 7000 sq metre workshop facility in Cootamundra, NSW.
The workshop will service their fleet of tipper trucks and earthmoving equipment.
The facility gets quite dusty due to the sheer volume of dust that enters into the workshop through the open doors and mobile equipment.
The debris on the floor includes metal grinding, brake and tyre dust which required a great deal of effort to manually sweep.
The Solution.
Tegra asked ASC’s Scott Campbell to recommend a sweeping machine that was heavy duty in design and would work effortlessly in heavy dust conditions.
He recommended a ASC Eureka M3 Battery sweeper that is widely used in large workshops across Australia.
Following an onsite demonstration the company organised a purchase order and purchased the ASC Eureka M3 Rider sweeper.
The sweeper was delivered soon after to very happy mechanics and maintenance staff.