Veolia – Portland Aluminum Smelter

Brickyards & Aluminium Smelters
The Client
VEOLIA AUSTRALIA is a large service provider across the Australian market, which employs 5,750 + employees and has a turnover in excess of
$3 billion in revenue.
The Challenge
Veolia has a contract with Portland Aluminum Smelter, in Victoria’s Western Districts.
The contract is the provision of facility maintenance.
Part of that contract is to sweep the entire Portland Smelter Site, which is spread across some 30 acres of land.
Veolia went to market looking for a heavy duty, fit for purpose, mining sweeper, that was rated to work in very hot and dusty conditions, while sweeping on very undulated hot concrete bricks near the furnaces.
The machine would be required to work 8+ hour daily shifts and have to be comfortable for their drivers to use.
The areas to be swept included the pot rooms, as well as the Carbon Anode areas, where large blocks of carbon are made.
The machine had to be able to work with electrical interference in the pot rooms.
Veolia Contacted ASC looking for major improvements to their current suppliers. Veolia was aware of ASC’s long term association with Aluminum smelters across Australia.
The Result
Veolia ordered an ASC Eureka M8 Diesel powered Smelter sweeper, fitted with an extendable side broom and an air-conditioned Cabin.