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ASC Machines Saves A Great Deal Of Water Updated on Monday, December 18, 2023

ASC Machine With ECOSystem Technology


Eureka’s leading technology. Permits the recycling of solution during operation. For a dramatic reduction in the consumption of water, chemical and time. Big savings in cost, and an even bigger help in safeguarding natural resources.

ASC Machine With FlowMASTER Technology


Automatic regulation of water flow, proportional to the working speed of the machine. Improve consumption efficiency, especially during turns and when changing speed.

ASC Machine With DoseMatic Technology


For precise control over chemical consumption. Permits the real-time adjustment of cleaning solution concentration, turn up chemical only when really required.

ASC Sweeper Brush With Solenoid Valve

Solenoid valve

Water flow to the brush is cut off when the machine comes to a stop. The function is automatic and is available in every scrubber dryer model.

ASC Machines Saves A Great Deal Of Water
ASC’s Scrubbers Recognised By The Water Technology List, UK Govt.

A story of great water savings

For the weekly cleaning of 1.000 m2 of floor, using a standard machine with a tank capacity of 40 L, on average the following resources are required: 160 liters of water, 4-5 liters of chemical and 4 stops to empty and refill which take 12 minutes each time.

With the ECOsystem® downtime is eliminated, because there is no need to continuously stop and replace the cleaning solution. Furthermore, you can save 75% of water and chemical.

This results in a saving of 6,250 liters of water, 187 liters of chemical and 31 hours of labor. Ecology and economy go hand in hand.

WTL – Water Technology List. UK

Thanks to the innovative ECOsystem®, Eureka’s scrubber dryers have been recognized by the Water Technology List, the initiative by the UK government to promote products that facilitate the sustainable use of water.